熄燈1小時 靜宜大學呼籲師生響應「地球時刻」(Earth Hour)活動

  為響應「地球時刻」(Earth Hour)活動,3月29日(六),在全球各地當地時間晚間8點到9點,成千上百萬盞燈光將熄滅一個小時。靜宜大學也呼籲師生響應熄燈1小時,宣示對抗氣候變遷的決心。這一個小時的熄燈活動將傳遞出強而有力的訊息,讓全世界都知道減少全球暖化有多麼重要,以及有多少人關心這個問題並且採取了行動。
  「地球時刻」所訴求的是一個每個人都可以做得到,非常簡單的改變,這個活動由全球保育組織─世界自然基金會(WWF)在2004年發起,獲得全球各都會城市當地政府、企業和民眾的熱烈響應。2007年3月31日在澳大利亞率先舉行,當時「地球時刻」活動號召了雪梨市220萬人民以及2,100個企業熄燈一個小時。眾志成城的努力, 使雪梨市在一個小時之間減少了10.2%的能源消耗,相當於4萬8千輛車停駛一個小時的效果。雪梨的大地標如雪梨海港大橋(Harbour Bridge)和雪梨歌劇院(Opera House)等也都熄燈一小時;此外,像一些單一事件如婚禮等也都使用燭光代替燈光,這些活動引起世界各地的注意。


One Hour of Darkness: Earth Hour Goes Global
  On Saturday, March 29, from 8 to 9 in the evening local time, hundreds of thousands of lights around the world will go dark for Earth Hour. The one hour event is intended to send a powerful message around the world about how important it is to reduce global warming and how many people care enough to take action.
  Earth Hour is all about the simple changes everyone can make. Run by WWF, the global conservation organization, Earth Hour was initiated in Australia on March 31, 2007. Earth Hour moved 2.2 million people and 2,100 businesses in Sydney to turn off their lights for one hour.
  This collective effort reduced the city's energy consumption by 10.2 percent for one hour, which is the equivalent effect of taking 48,000 cars off the road for an hour.
  With Sydney icons like the Harbour Bridge and Opera House turning their lights off and unique events such as weddings by candlelight, the world took notice.
  This year Earth Hour is going global.
  Andy Ridley, executive director for Earth Hour said, "Powering down a city's skyline and some of the world's most iconic structures and premier properties is a highly calculated and intricate process, and allowances need to be made to account for safety."
  "What makes Earth Hour a unique event is that it brings together governments, business and householders who all play a part in switching off the lights. Working together, individual households alongside the world's most magnificent iconic landmarks can make an impact in the fight against climate change," Ridley said.
  "On behalf of the WWF International network, I want to commend and thank the mayors and officials in our flagship cities for playing a leadership role in supporting this unique global event and demonstrating their commitment to fighting climate change," says WWF Director General James Leape, praising mayors in the all the cities that have signed up to go dark for Earth Hour.
  Some of the Earth Hour flagship cities are - Atlanta, San Francisco, Phoenix, Bangkok, Ottawa, Vancouver, Montreal, Dublin, Sydney, Perth, Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane, Adelaide, Copenhagen, Aarhus, Aalborg, Odense, Manila, Suva, Chicago, Tel Aviv, Toronto and Christchurch. They all will switch off for Earth Hour on Saturday March 29, at 8 pm local time.


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